Tuesday, 4 January 2011

A Powerful Way to Promote Your Books

I love Squidoo, I really do.

Squidoo articles are called "lenses". As you probably know, publishing articles is a powerful way to promote your books.

Click here to join Squidoo by posting an article. It's easy and it's free. Squidoo also has a profit-sharing scheme. And Squidoo lenses tend to have high Google rankings. It's really easy to track your rankings on the site.

Not sure what to write about? Click here for an article on how to generate original content.

Squidoo has recently introduced a points system. Click here for an article about ways to earn points on Squidoo.

Click here for more great article marketing resources.

Click here for info on how to get reviews on Amazon, to help you sell more books.

Here's to your success!